dressing disruptive data down.

We present our fashion intervention where we dress for the surveillance age. Questioning the explosion of new technologies like facial recognition or drones that monitor your every move in public space. Join us in our design research to experiment in the development of low tech fashion interventions that play with the weaknesses of invisible surveillance technologies. Together we can be daring, creative and question the ubiquitous use of it in public spaces, and pioneer design that puts privacy, solidarity, equality and the human at the center. datawear.

Mediakit: Creative Commons 4.0
Share-Alike (cc-4.0-by-sa)

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Privacy in the Age
of the New Intimacy

The Dutch Design Week exposition has taken place entirely online after the planned physical events had to be canceled due to increasing coronavirus cases in the Netherlands. Watch the Dutch Design Week Virtual Recap here and on to next year!

Low Tech Canvases Against High Tech Surveillance

MozFest 2021

From March 8th, 2021 - 12 days of programming
MozFest is a unique hybrid: part art, tech, and society convening, part maker festival, and the premiere gathering for activists in diverse global movements fighting for a more humane digital world. Our workshop “Resisting surveillance in public spaces through creative experiences” is scheduled for 8 March from 19:15 - 20:15 (AMS time) and also be recorded.

contact us.

For questions, kits and collaborations.


Creatieve lead: Fieke Jansen and Marieke van Dijk

Project team: Ad Korf, Amanda Lee Gaffer, Chinouk Filique de Miranda, Daniel Maarleveld, Julia Berg, Raza Rottenberg, Sigrid Winkel and Xandra Hoek

Editor Canvas: Kevin Zawacki and Sanne Stevens

Supported by

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